The New Model of Selling: Selling to an Unsellable Generation

The book “The New Model of Selling: The Unsellable Generation” by Brian Burns and Bill Caskey is a guide to selling in today’s marketplace. The authors argue that traditional sales techniques no longer work with the younger generation of buyers, who are more informed and skeptical than ever before.

The book offers a new model of selling that emphasizes building relationships and creating value for customers, rather than simply pushing products or services. The authors provide practical strategies for building trust, creating a personal brand, and using technology to connect with customers.

The book is divided into three parts. In the first part, the authors discuss the changing landscape of sales and the importance of understanding the new generation of buyers. They explore the psychology of sales and the role of emotions in the buying process.

In the second part, the authors introduce the new model of selling, which they call the “Value-First Framework.” This framework is designed to help salespeople build trust and credibility with customers by focusing on creating value for them. The authors provide specific strategies for implementing the framework, including creating a personal brand, using social media to connect with customers, and leveraging technology to streamline the sales process.

In the final part of the book, the authors provide guidance on how to put the new model of selling into practice. They offer tips for developing a sales plan, managing sales teams, and measuring sales success. They also provide real-world examples of successful salespeople who have embraced the new model of selling.

Overall, “The New Model of Selling” offers a fresh perspective on selling in today’s marketplace. It provides practical advice for salespeople who want to build long-term relationships with customers and create value for them, rather than simply making a sale. The book is a must-read for anyone who wants to succeed in sales in the 21st century.

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