Sales Education Finds Community Gains Through Digital Channels

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In his Forbes article, Rod Berger discusses the role of digital channels in the world of B2B sales education and highlights the importance of community-building. He argues that digital channels offer a unique opportunity to create and foster communities of sales professionals, which can help to drive innovation, knowledge sharing, and collaboration.

Here are some key points from the article:

  • Digital channels are becoming increasingly important for sales education and training, as more and more sales professionals work remotely or in geographically dispersed teams.
  • Building communities of sales professionals through digital channels can help to create a sense of shared purpose, promote knowledge sharing and collaboration, and drive innovation in the field of B2B sales.
  • Online communities can take many forms, from social media groups and discussion forums to virtual events and webinars.
  • Successful online communities prioritize authenticity, transparency, and engagement, and foster a sense of belonging among their members.
  • In order to build successful online communities, sales professionals need to focus on providing value to their members, creating a sense of trust and rapport, and leveraging the latest technologies and tools to facilitate communication and collaboration.
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