The future of sales: changes in the B2B operating model


This article is titled “5 Trends for B2B Sales in 2022” and was published on the Simon-Kucher & Partners website. It discusses the five key trends that are expected to shape the B2B sales landscape in 2022:

  1. The rise of hybrid selling: The pandemic has accelerated the shift towards remote selling, but a hybrid approach that combines virtual and in-person interactions will become more prevalent.
  2. The use of AI in sales: Artificial intelligence will continue to gain importance in B2B sales, with predictive analytics, lead scoring, and chatbots being used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of sales teams.
  3. Increased emphasis on customer experience: Providing a positive customer experience will be a key differentiator for B2B companies in 2022, and sales teams will need to focus on building strong relationships with their customers.
  4. Greater focus on value selling: B2B buyers are increasingly looking for solutions that offer measurable value, and sales teams will need to adapt by emphasizing the value proposition of their products or services.
  5. More personalized and customized selling: With the availability of more customer data, B2B sales teams will be able to create more personalized and customized sales experiences that meet the specific needs of each customer.

Overall, these trends highlight the need for B2B sales teams to embrace new technologies and approaches in order to remain competitive and succeed in the modern business landscape.

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