Gap Selling

Gap Selling is a sales methodology that focuses on identifying the “gap” or discrepancy between a prospect’s current situation and their desired situation, and then demonstrating how your product or service can bridge that gap. It was developed by Keenan, a sales consultant and author, and it has become increasingly popular in recent years.

The Gap Selling methodology begins by first understanding the prospect’s current situation, which includes understanding their current pain points, challenges, and goals. Once the current situation is understood, the salesperson needs to uncover the prospect’s desired situation by asking questions about their goals, aspirations, and what they hope to achieve.

Once the gap between the current situation and desired situation is identified, the salesperson must then position their product or service as the solution to bridge the gap. This involves highlighting the specific features and benefits of the product or service that address the prospect’s pain points and help them achieve their desired outcome.

To effectively implement Gap Selling, salespeople must have strong communication and questioning skills to uncover the prospect’s current and desired situations. They must also have a deep understanding of their product or service and be able to demonstrate how it solves the prospect’s specific pain points.

One of the key benefits of Gap Selling is that it shifts the focus of the conversation from the salesperson’s product or service to the prospect’s specific needs and desired outcomes. This creates a more consultative and collaborative sales process, which can help build trust and credibility with the prospect.

Overall, Gap Selling is a highly effective sales methodology that helps salespeople identify and bridge the gap between a prospect’s current situation and their desired situation. By focusing on the prospect’s specific needs and desired outcomes, salespeople can position their product or service as the solution to their pain points, leading to higher conversion rates and more successful sales outcomes.

Here are some top resources online to help you understand the Gap Selling methodology:

  1. The Gap Selling Blueprint: This is a free resource provided by Keenan, which outlines the key principles of Gap Selling and provides a step-by-step guide to implementing the methodology. You can download it from Keenan’s website.
  2. The Gap Selling Podcast: Keenan hosts a podcast where he talks about the Gap Selling methodology, provides tips and insights for salespeople, and interviews other sales experts. You can find it on major podcast platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
  3. The Sales Guy Blog: Keenan’s blog is a great resource for salespeople looking to learn more about Gap Selling and other sales methodologies. He shares his insights and experiences in the sales world and provides practical tips and strategies for sales success.
  4. The Gap Selling LinkedIn Group: This is a community of sales professionals who are interested in the Gap Selling methodology. It’s a great place to ask questions, share insights, and connect with other salespeople who are using the Gap Selling approach.
  5. The Gap Selling Masterclass: Keenan offers a comprehensive online course that teaches the Gap Selling methodology in depth. The course includes video lessons, exercises, and quizzes to help you master the principles of Gap Selling.
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