
Demystifying the B2B digital sales funnel

In the world of B2B e-commerce, digital sales funnels have become a vital tool for businesses looking to attract, engage, and convert potential customers online. This article from Digital Commerce […]

Reimagining B2B sales: Time to put the buyer’s thinking cap on

The importance of building trust with buyers in B2B sales cannot be overstated, as it is a crucial factor in closing deals and maintaining long-term relationships. In a digital age […]

B2B Sales Culture Must Change to Make the Most of Digital Tools

In the era of digitalization, many B2B companies are still slow to implement digital tools in their sales processes. However, according to a recent survey, B2B salespeople who use digital […]

4 Ways to Maintain B2B Customer Relationships in Ecommerce

Discusses the challenges that B2B companies face when maintaining customer relationships in an ecommerce world. It highlights the importance of building and nurturing relationships with customers to increase their loyalty, […]

Best practices for utilizing a sales prospecting tool

Sales prospecting is an essential aspect of the sales process, and sales prospecting tools can help streamline and improve the effectiveness of the process. This article from the Business Journals […]

Machine learning could fix the prioritization problem in B2B tech sales

Explores the role of machine learning in B2B tech sales and how it can help solve the problem of prioritizing leads. The author highlights how sales teams struggle with identifying […]

In uncertain times, B2B sales teams must put value front and center

In uncertain times, B2B sales teams need to prioritize value over anything else. This TechCrunch article explores the challenges that B2B sales teams face in uncertain economic climates and provides […]

Why cold emailing Is still the best B2B sales channel

A recent survey of B2B sales professionals has revealed that cold emailing remains the most effective method of reaching out to potential clients. According to the survey, more than 75% […]

The competitive advantage: Using Tech to Boost B2B Sales

The article discusses how technology can provide a competitive advantage for B2B sales teams by streamlining their processes, reducing errors, and increasing efficiency. The author explains how technology tools like […]

Why Women Are the Future of B2B Sales

Discusses the advantages that women bring to the field of B2B sales. The author argues that women are particularly well-suited to this field, as they tend to possess qualities such as empathy, emotional intelligence, and relationship-building skills that are highly valued by customers. The article cites research showing that companies with higher representation of women in sales tend to outperform those with lower representation, and suggests that organizations should be intentional about recruiting and retaining women in sales roles. The article also highlights some of the challenges that women face in this field, such as the lack of female role models and the prevalence of gender bias, and offers suggestions for how companies can address these issues and create a more inclusive and supportive sales culture. Overall, the article makes a compelling case for why women are critical to the future of B2B sales, and offers insights and strategies for how organizations can harness the unique strengths of women in this field.